Implications of Climate Change for Regional Air Pollution


Home Investigators Energy Demand Generation - Dispatch Air Quality Modeling

 EPA STAR Project 8287310

This research project has four major modeling elements: climate change and variability, electrical energy demand and production, regional air pollution, and human health effects associated with air pollution exposure. Our overall objective is to develop a scientifically credible modeling facility that will help policy makers and analysts understand the effects of human activities on climate change and variability as well as the possible human responses and adaptations to climate change and variability.


Site Contents

The navigation bar (to the left) contains four major information groups: Investigators, and three sections each devoted to a particular set of modeling tasks: Energy Demand Modeling, Electricity Generation and Dispatch Modeling and Air Quality Modeling. Each section contains sub-groups on Published Papers, Presentations, Models, and Data.



Last updated: December 20, 2005.