Robert A. Dalrymple
Willard & Lillian Hackerman Professor Emeritus of Civil Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering
Johns Hopkins University
3400 No. Charles Street
Baltimore, MD 21218
[email protected]
Office: 201 Latrobe Hall
Tel: 410-516-7923
Fax: 410-516-7473
Dr. Dalrymple is no longer taking graduate students
Research Interests
Water waves, nearshore hydrodynamics, coastal processes.
Coastal Engineering Laboratory, Stieff Building.
Center for Environmental and Applied Fluid Mechanics
Coastal Engineering
Civil Engineering Analysis
Introduction to Water Waves
Coastal Modeling
GPU/CPU Programming for Engineers
Councils, Committees
National Research Council, Committee on Sea Level Rise in California, Oregon, and Washington
National Research Council, Committee on U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Water Resources Science, Engineering, and Planning
COPRI Coastal Engineering Research Council, ASCE
JHU Academic Computing Advisory Committee
JHU Homewood Academic Council, 2013-2016
JHU Homewood Faculty Assembly, 2012-2014
Online Resume
Whiting School Version of Resume
Mechanisms of Fluid-Mud Interactions Under Waves
GPUSPH: an open source SPH code, running on graphics cards
GPUSPH, the first open source SPH code running GPU
SPHysics, nee JHU-SPH, SPHnyx.
Stream Function Wave Theory
N-Layer Stream Function Wave Theory
REFRACT (tar file includes all)
In the News
- Johns Hopkins Alumni Magazine
- New Orleans
- Dec 26, 2004 Tsunami
- Other
Dean and Dalrymple II
These pages provide information, updates, and errata.
Odds and Ends
Join coastal_list, the coastal engineering email list.
Take a look at The Coastal
Engineering Page.
Try the Java coastal engineering applets with your Java-enhanced web browser at
Pictures: A picture of Dalrymple in Thailand, pointing to a tsunami water line. Here's a picture
at UD, showing me putting dye into a rip current generated in the Ocean
Engineering Laboratory's Directional Wave Basin. This study of rip
current generation in the vicinity of sand bars was funded by ONR.
Finally, here's a picture from Waves 2001 with Robert G. Dean (my Ph.D. advisor), Leslie Ewing and Becky Edge (K. Barnes photo).
Classical guitar: Here I am with my Antonio Raya Pardo guitar. ![](guitarsmaller.jpg)
Here is my Flamenco guitar, made by James T. Kirby, a former student and colleague at the University of Delaware.
My classical guitar instructor is Branimir Krstic, teacher, performer, and composer.